Sod turning ceremony for new monastic church in Stamullen

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FROM The Mid-Louth Independent, 27th Feb 2018

THE Most Rev’d Dr Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath, in­au­gu­rated the con­struc­tion of a new monas­tic church at Sil­ver­stream Pri­ory in Sta­mullen.

Bishop Smith was first to turn the sod, fol­lowed by Dom Mark Kirby, OSB, Prior of Sil­ver­stream, Mrs Ann Cor­co­ran of Dublin, Dom Eli­jah Car­roll, OSB, and Adrian Buck­ley of Buck­ley Part­ner­ship Ar­chi­tects.

Neil Martin Con­struc­tion & Project Man­age­ment will un­der­take the work.

Among the clergy in at­ten­dance were the Very Rev’d Michael Cahill, PP of John­stown; the Very Rev’d John Ho­gan, PP of Mul­ty­farn­ham; the Very Rev’d Ger­ard Deighan of Dublin; Fr Kevin Heery of Na­van, Fr Paul Mur­phy, and Fr Colm O’Ma­hony, OSA, both of Drogheda, and friends of Sil­ver­stream Pri­ory from France, Bel­gium, Aus­tria, Czech Re­pub­lic, and Canada.

Among the clergy in at­ten­dance were the Very Rev’d Michael Cahill, PP of John­stown; the Very Rev’d John Ho­gan, PP of Mul­ty­farn­ham; the Very Rev’d Ger­ard Deighan of Dublin; Fr Kevin Heery of Na­van, Fr Paul Mur­phy, and Fr Colm O’Ma­hony, OSA, both of Drogheda, and friends of Sil­ver­stream Pri­ory from France, Bel­gium, Aus­tria, Czech Re­pub­lic, and Canada.

Among the clergy in at­ten­dance were the Very Rev’d Michael Cahill, PP of John­stown; the Very Rev’d John Ho­gan, PP of Mul­ty­farn­ham; the Very Rev’d Ger­ard Deighan of Dublin; Fr Kevin Heery of Na­van, Fr Paul Mur­phy, and Fr Colm O’Ma­hony, OSA, both of Drogheda, and friends of Sil­ver­stream Pri­ory from France, Bel­gium, Aus­tria, Czech Re­pub­lic, and Canada.

Among the clergy in at­ten­dance were the Very Rev’d Michael Cahill, PP of John­stown; the Very Rev’d John Ho­gan, PP of Mul­ty­farn­ham; the Very Rev’d Ger­ard Deighan of Dublin; Fr Kevin Heery of Na­van, Fr Paul Mur­phy, and Fr Colm O’Ma­hony, OSA, both of Drogheda, and friends of Sil­ver­stream Pri­ory from France, Bel­gium, Aus­tria, Czech Re­pub­lic, and Canada.

Sud­den snow flur­ries did not keep the monks from fill­ing the air with the up­lift­ing sound of Gre­go­rian Chants.

Sil­ver­stream’s youth­ful and grow­ing Bene­dic­tine com­mu­nity looks to the com­ple­tion of the new church early in 2019. A re­cep­tion fol­lowed in the monastery’s en­trance hall.

Sil­ver­stream’s youth­ful and grow­ing Bene­dic­tine com­mu­nity looks to the com­ple­tion of the new church early in 2019. A re­cep­tion fol­lowed in the monastery’s en­trance hall.

Sil­ver­stream Pri­ory was founded in 2012 at the in­vi­ta­tion of the Most Rev­erend Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath, and canon­i­cally erected as an au­ton­o­mous monastery of dioce­san right on 25 Fe­bru­ary 2017.

Sil­ver­stream Pri­ory was founded in 2012 at the in­vi­ta­tion of the Most Rev­erend Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath, and canon­i­cally erected as an au­ton­o­mous monastery of dioce­san right on 25 Fe­bru­ary 2017.

The prop­erty be­longed, from the early 15th cen­tury, to the Pre­ston fam­ily, pre­mier Vis­counts of Ire­land and Lords of Gor­manston.

In 1843 Thomas Pre­ston (1817-1903), son of Jenico Pre­ston, the 12th Vis­count (1775-1860), built what to­day is Sil­ver­stream.

The com­mu­nity un­der­take var­i­ous works com­pat­i­ble with their monas­tic vo­ca­tion, no­tably the de­vel­op­ment of the land and gar­dens, hospi­tal­ity to the clergy in need of a spir­i­tual respite, schol­arly work, and pub­lish­ing.

Read the full story here

Or visit the Silverstream community website here

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Declan Nessan Shaw